Start up scripts becomes handy when we need to open the same applications every time we start our machine.
Whenever I boot my machine, Outlook is the first application I open. Following, I connect to client VPN over Internet explorer. These two tasks are monotonous and became by routine.
Sometime before one of friend sent me a mail with a VBScript attachment. Opening that sent a mail to my friend with subject as ‘I am a fool’. Funny ! isn’t it?
So I decided to use the scripts to do my monotonous tasks. I have edited the scripts to open my Outlook and I have put the script in my System Start up.
Steps to create the System Start up scripts
1. Create a file with .vbs extension
2. Type the following
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) ‘Create a windows shell object
WshShell.Run “Outlook” ‘run my Outlook
Here Outlook is the exe name. You could replace this with your application name. Exe ‘s like notepad, winword,excel,calculator etc.
3. Save the file
4. Open the System start up location
Windows Start > All Programs > Start Up (right click and give open)
5. copy the script file to the above location
The above steps will open your ‘Outlook’ whenever we start our machine
Suppose we want to open a website on system start up, use the below step
WshShell.Run “iexplore”
These items I have created on my own and does not contain any warranty. Hence apply discretion.
Whenever I boot my machine, Outlook is the first application I open. Following, I connect to client VPN over Internet explorer. These two tasks are monotonous and became by routine.
Sometime before one of friend sent me a mail with a VBScript attachment. Opening that sent a mail to my friend with subject as ‘I am a fool’. Funny ! isn’t it?
So I decided to use the scripts to do my monotonous tasks. I have edited the scripts to open my Outlook and I have put the script in my System Start up.
Steps to create the System Start up scripts
1. Create a file with .vbs extension
2. Type the following
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”) ‘Create a windows shell object
WshShell.Run “Outlook” ‘run my Outlook
Here Outlook is the exe name. You could replace this with your application name. Exe ‘s like notepad, winword,excel,calculator etc.
3. Save the file
4. Open the System start up location
Windows Start > All Programs > Start Up (right click and give open)
5. copy the script file to the above location
The above steps will open your ‘Outlook’ whenever we start our machine
Suppose we want to open a website on system start up, use the below step
WshShell.Run “iexplore
These items I have created on my own and does not contain any warranty. Hence apply discretion.
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